Thursday, March 6, 2025

The plan so far.

 In the past... two years, I have completely translated Junketsu's story.

From start to finish, you can read every heroine's individual scenes and every ending to the game.

I'm in the process of revising the translation now.

What remains is the following:

1.) The child making scenes 

    Each heroine (except Izanami and Minami) has 3 child-making events with the main character, consisting of at least one fore-play scene and one actual sex scene.

    The game gives you options for how you want to do it, though, so each child making event actually has three different options for the foreplay scene and three different options of the actual sex scene.

    That means each heroine has 6 possible scenes for each child making event.

    There are 3 child making events.

    There are 5 heroines with these child making events.

    6 possible scenes x 3 child-making events x 5 goddesses = 90 scenes total.

There are 90 sex scenes to go through, where it's nothing but sex in different (sometimes comedic) ways.

2.) The child-birth scenes.

    Each goddess gives birth three times over the course of the game, and I still need to go through and translate most of these scenes. They don't especially add anything to the story, but they let you know the name of each daughter and sometimes have a bit of humor.

3 births x 5 goddesses = 15 short child-birth scenes. 


3.) The daughter "interview" scenes

    Eventually you unlock the option to have an interview with the daughters between you and the Goddesses, via the smartphone in game.

    If the daughter likes you and gives her consent, you can have an intimate scene with them. This is entirely optional.

    I have translated most of the daughter interviews, but there seems to be an issue with the translation. I'm not sure why, but changing these scenes to English has been making the game hard crash to the desktop. No error message, no warning sounds, just straight up the game closes and you have to re-launch.

    I've tried changing the translation around (in case it was the text length or use of certain symbols), but that has only worked with some of the interviews, and not consistently.

    If I can figure it out how to translate these scenes without breaking the game entirely, I'll consider doing them, too.

    Each daughter has one scene, but each goddess has three daughters.
    3 daughters each x 5 goddesses = 15 scenes.

    There are fifteen daughter scenes (plus phone interviews) that I not only have to translate, but also try to figure out how to make them work.

 That so, they are probably my lowest priority task.


Once I have the editing finished and 1.) and 2.) done, I will probably release a beta patch. My aim is to have that done in time for Mother's Day this year.

In the meantime, I'll keep updating the translation patch as I go. You can download and install it from the mediafire website like usual:

 To install it, simply download the file and put it into the folder where Junketsu's files are installed (overwrite the old md_scr.xp3 file). After that, launch the game.

 I've also taken the time to update BinaryFail's patch on the projects page, so you can get the current patch (accurate as of March 7th, 2025) there, too.

If you download the patch and try it out, let me know if you get any game crashes or bugs.

You can report them to me directly on the LoeQT discord server, or on Bluesky via the following accounts:

LQT Safe for Work account:





Sic semper tyrannis.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

LQT on the web.

 Quick update:

I'm still working on everything I was before, but I don't really use blogspot to update things anymore. Updates from LQT are generally posted on Twitter, Ko-fi, and the Discord channel, which you can find at the following links:

MangaDex (when it's working):

The most recent activity since uh... 2020 has been doujin and twitter comic translations. Uhh... at least ten of them. You the doujins are generally on the Panda or other upload sites, while the twitter comics are generally posted to Ko-Fi or MangaDex, if not elsewhere.

I am still around.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Halloween Update - Junketsu Megami-sama Alpha Patch 2

 Long time no see, and Happy Halloween.

In ancient Japanese folklore, there is the belief that in the tenth month of the year of the Lunar Calendar many of the Kami leave their abodes to travel for a Kami congregation elsewhere, making the tenth month of the year the month without Kami, or "the month without gods". Since the Lunar Calendar is generally one month later than the gregorian calendar we use, that tends to mean the tenth month is actually our November. That so, I figured it was time for a Junketsu update, so you might get to check out these Kami/Goddesses.

So here's Alpha Patch 2 for Junketsu Megami-sama:

This patch changes the entire translation into first person present-tense narrative, for a more immersive read. It also translates every scene marked in purple on the chart:

Basically, it translates almost all of the main story for each of the Goddesses and Minami/Izanami. It doesn't translate the eight scene for the Goddesses, the ninth scene for Izanami/Minami, and their endings. Yet. 

If you have Junketsu Megami-sama installed, simply download the above file and put it into your Junketsu Megami-sama folder (overwriting the old file). When you launch the game, the in-game text (not images and not every choice) should be in English.

Note: I still have not figured out the text display issues, so you will need to launch the game with a text hooker and clipboard capture program to properly read all the english text. I used to use Chiitrans, but I'm not sure if that's still available.

If you find any issues. glitches, or mistakes with the translation, please inform me here on or twitter at:

In other news, I have recently translated the second and third chapter's of Kokonoki Nao's Pregnant Succubus Series, and you can find galleries of them on the Sad Panda.

And if the concept of a pregnant Succubus happens to be of interest to you, please remember that SwanEye's visual novel HaraChuChu is still translated and available.

My apologies for being so slow to update here on the blog, but I try to limit this to only updates that feel worthwhile. Thank you for your continued support, stay safe outside and with friends, and support one another.

Happy Halloween~


Saturday, March 14, 2020

Super quick update

Where has LQT been? What have I been doing?

Short answer: revising Junketsu Megami-sama to be in the first person present tense and continuing the translation. It's not done yet, but I've been working on it every day.

Long answer: Working on Junketsu Megami-sama


Translating chapter 1 and 2 of "Miss Saeki's Black Cat" by  Yuuki Ray.

Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:


Translating "I Figured I'd Try to Summon a Succubus, but..." by Kokonoki Nao.

Gallery available on G.e-hentai and Sad Panda (but I can't link them here), original Japanese available on DMM

What next?

Thanks to helpful users, I have the ability to translate and insert an english script into:

Harami Tama


Iegami Nyoubou

I'll start looking at those once I finish with Junketsu.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The current backlog.

It's been quite awhile, so here's the most recent update for... everything.

Via various means, I (or someone else) can currently make patches for these games:

Junketsu Megami-sama

Iegami Nyoubyou


Mahoutsukai no Yoru

So these are currently 'a thing'.

I have other things that I would like to be a thing, but they are currently beyond my means. If you might be able to help with that, check out the list of them here:

It'd be nice to have an actual update for any of these things to give you, but real life comes first and I haven't been able to work on them as much as I'd like to, and as much as I wanted to. My apologies.


Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Happy birthday to me, another present for you - Harachuchu!! 100% English - COMPLETE

Hello all,

After entirely too long, HaraChuChu is finally complete. I have translated and revised all of the routes, all of the epilogues, and all of the bonus explanations. It is 100% done and ready to be enjoyed.

Harachuchu is the last visual novel SwanEye made for their "Hara~" series of games, and may be one of their best works (though that is not saying much). It features a vampire (who is half succubus), a teacher, two mothers, and more. I enjoyed tranlsating it much more than HaraKano, and I hope that you will enjoy it, too.

Download the patch here:

Once downloaded, extract ALL the files from the .zip archive.
Move the 'patch.xp3' file and the ENTIRE 'patch' folder (with everything inside it) directly into HaraChuchu's folder.
Overwrite any old files.

NOTE: if you have an old version of the Harachuchu english patch, you should DELETE the 'savedata' folder from your Harachuchu folder. I edited and revised pretty much everything, and Swan games don't like it when you have old savedata files but new scripts.

Once done, launch Harachuchu. The menus will be in Japanese, but the game its self should be in English.

Don't forget to check out the HaraChuChu Translation Notes also included in the patch, for some neat info and general notes about the game, the characters, and the translation. Do what you will with the three random wallpapers.

For a guide to the menus, please check out this imgur album:

For the game its self, you can buy HaraChuChu from a number of digital retailers, including DLSite and DMM, though it might take some work to do so. You can also buy physical copies of HaraChuchu from for like, half the price, but then you have to figure out how to get it shipped to you.

For the record, I have also updated the HaraKano JOKE patch for a little bit more fanservice and stuff near the end of the route. Again. This will be the last time I modify the patch, I swear. If you are interested (and still have HK installed) you can download the latest version of the joke patch here:
In the 'patch' folder in Harakano's folder, just rename the original scenario1.ks file to something else, download the one from that link, and move it directly into the 'patch' folder. Start HK and start the story. Pardon the outdated references.


I began translating Harachuchu years ago, hoping to release it in time for Halloween. That clearly did not happen, but... whatevs. I hope you enjoy it now, and I thank you all for all your patience waiting for this release.

Shout outs to S.A. for donating 10 dollars, and another shout out to M.U. for the one dollar monthly donations. It is appreciated.

By and large, this concludes the interest I've had for translating SwanEye's materials. At least... for now. For everyone waiting for more from Junketsu, I must sadly ask you to keep waiting, because real life must come first, and I have not been able to give it the time it deserves. So far.

Thank you all again for all your patience and support, and let me know if there's any blatant spelling/grammar problems with the translation.

Kukuri best girl.


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Partial Patches' Partial Updates

Hello all, and my apologies for seeming so out of touch. I usually don't update the blog unless I have something worthwhile to update with, so all my recent news has just been posted on the LoeQuality Twitter.

Today I do have SOME updates, for both Junketsu Megami-Sama and HaraChuchu. They aren't quite as finished as I want them to be, but I'm about to go out of town for a week and I don't want to risk losing any of the work I've done and/or something not good happening.

As such, here we go:


Ena's Route is finished. Her epilogue is not. I have updated the Harachuchu patch so you can enjoy her route, and then I hope to finish her epilogue sometime later (right now only the start of the epilogue is done - I've included that in the update, too, but it won't be satisfying).

Download the HaraChuChu patch here:

To install, download the .zip.
Extract all the files/folders in it
Move all the files/folders into Harachuchu's folder (overwrite any old files)
If you get an error when you launch the game, delete the savedata folder and re-launch (you will lose all your save files. My apologies).

Junketsu Megami-sama

I have completed more of the story routes for the goddesses. The way the game generally works is each heroine has Slice of Life story scenes followed by erotic scenes, then childbirth. The first patch translated the first round of all that for all the goddessess. This patch... it translates almost all of the Slice of Life scenes for the goddesses (except the end of Kyubere's), but not all the erotic scenes. Vishnu's scene is done, but all the others? Not yet. This is primarily an update to see if the choices during childmaking and daughter interviews work. I translated the first daughter interview (Vishnu's daughter Narasimha), and the choices for her, but I'm not sure how well the translation will work with people's versions of the games. So... download the new patch and check and see. If your game crashes or gets odd error messages, please please please tell me.

Note: during childmaking, the choices are translated BUT... if you click 'on second thought' it will open the 'Load Game' screen. It will not go back to the previous choice selection screen. Fortunately, Junketsu autosaves at every choice, so if you really want to go back just find the right save. The last time I tried to edit the childmaking choices, clicking 'on second thought' made the game crash so I guess this could be progress...

This translates all of Vishnu's next erotic scene and her following SoL scene
This translates the start of Rhea's next erotic scene
This translates no other character's next erotic scene
This translates Rhea's, Tiamat's, and Astarotte's next SoL scene
This translates almost all of Kyubere's next SoL scene
This translated the interview with Vishnu's first daughter Narasimha
This tries to translate in-game choices for childmaking/interviews without breaking the game

Anyways, here's the link to download the latest partial patch-

To install, download the .med file.
Move it into Junketsu's folder (overwrite the old file)
Launch the game.

NOTE: you will still need a text hooker to capture the english text to your clipboard,
and clipboard monitor to take the copied text and post it in a read-able format.
You will probably need an H-Code for your text hooker. You can find one possible code on Junketsu's VNDB Discussion page:


I found and translated a quaint little doujin about two mothers. It's called 'Futari no Mama de', by the artist 'Ritsu' and the group 'Inu no Isshou'.

You can read it on SadPanda or other galleries.
You can buy it and support the author/artist here:

Judging by the end page, it sounded like the artist was initially unsure of the story, but I like it well enough; it'd be cool to see where he/she/they take it from here.

I also gave a slight update to the Harakano Parody route, and will probably do so again. I use it to learn about Swan's coding language/style. Feel free to download either version of the Harakano patch to check out its latest iteration.

Other other

Thank you so much to J.C. for donating 50 dollars, for the completion of Ena's Route. I'm not actually planning on charging for any of Harachuchu, but it is appreciated anyway, and I apologize for not yet having the complete epilogue available for reading. Thanks as well to M.U. for donating 1 dollar a month to LQT.

Lastly, thank you to all of you reading for being continually patient with me and putting up with so many delays, errors, and general lack of timeliness and overall quality. Thank you.